福島大学トップ福島大学の国際交流留学体験記 > 【アメリカ】交換留学最終レポート



【派遣先】サンフランシスコ州立大学 【留学期間】2017年1月~12
行政政策学類 E.Gさん



The year studying abroad in San Francisco State University was unforgettable. I was able to gain lots of experiences there both in and outside of the classroom. In this essay, I would like to share what I did in one of the classes. In the beginning, I was often embarrassed and could not be involved during the discussion because of the lack of English abilities, but I made efforts with people's encouragement and finally enjoyed everything and was confident again.
Note: SFSU below means San Francisco State University.

Efforts and Speak out!

The story below is one of my experiences in a class at SFSU. Even though it was hard at first, I became more active for other works after solving the problem, and my study abroad experience gradually got better and better.

I took a class named ethnic studies program. This class is a very unique class, requiring students to investigate issues and make a presentation with team members in the class. One day, our professor told us to search how many students in SFSU use services provided by school such as counseling. We have 6 people in the group and I was the only foreigner there. During the discussion, I could not understand what they said at all, and couldn't contribute anything to narrow down the searching area and decide on a topic. I had to ask one of the members to tell me their conclusion after they finished the whole discussion. It was really difficult for me to catch up with them in the beginning.

I felt uncomfortable with my situation and hoped that I could work with them as a one of the members. Therefore, I decided to make efforts outside of the class and speak out in the team. Firstly, I searched for materials such as interviews with counselors, statistics of students having counseling sessions, and other academic documents. Then, I organized all these information and prepared files for each member. After doing this, I was actively a lot more involved and the members were also eager to discuss with me according to the information I provided.

In the US, people often say, if you do not speak, you are not here. This is true. To work with others, it means to make efforts to understand and to share your opinions according to what you've learned. It may be difficult for students whose first language is not English at first, but with a good plan and the perseverance to work accordingly, gradually you will find the experience rewarding.








 留学先でできることは講義を受けるだけではありません。多岐に渡ります。できないこともありますが、それらをまず明確にしておくとよいでしょう。大学の講義だけでは物足りないという方は、学外でいろいろな活動をすることができるのです。例えば、SFSUではアルバイトについて学内ではできるが学外ではできないという規定があります。但し、学外でも自分の留学先大学での専攻と関わりのある組織でAcademic Trainingというインターンシップは可能です。例えば、私はSFSUで日系アメリカ人学を学びましたが、その場合サンフランシスコの日系アメリカ人のコミュニティである、日系アメリカ人協会でインターンシップは可能なわけです。したがって、必要があれば、専攻を選ぶときに日本での専攻とは離れたものだとしてもそれを選択し、関連組織で活動することもできます。大学での学習の一環なので、専攻に関連する組織というのがポイントです。




