福島大学トップ福島大学の国際交流留学体験記 > 【交換留学生より】留学レポート



【出身国 / 大学】ハンガリー / カーロリ・ガーシュパール・カルビン派大学
行政政策学類特別聴講学生 J.Gさん




 福島大学に入学できたことを知り合いや家族に初めて言ったとき、心配していた人もいました。「福島は危ないじゃないですか」「田舎はつまらないでしょう」という意見が出てきました。 しかし、私が今まで経験した福島は美しくて、楽しくて、食べ物は美味しくて、安全で、人が優しいということです。 福島市では外国人がまだ人数少ないので、道を歩いたら人から見られる反面、日本人は外国人に興味があるということが分かりました。時々、かわいいおばあちゃんやおじいちゃんから話しかけることもありました。











 この4か月の間、「日本」を経験する機会もありました。 今まで旅行した福島県外の都市は東京と大阪です。福島県内では会津・飯坂・二本松・郡山・南相馬に行ったことがあります。地域の魅力や歴史を現場で体験することができてとても嬉しいです。その理由は「楽しかった」ということだけではなくて、卒業論文のためになるという点もあります。1月には避難区域と第一発電所に行く機会もありました。そこで、現在の福島のことをもっと詳しく知ることが出来ました。

 また、伝統的な日本を体験する機会がありました。お祭りをはじめ、様々なイベントに参加しました。人生で初めて日本の温泉に入りました。 そして、ボランティアする機会もありました。11月に南相馬の植樹祭に参加しましたが、そこで、災害ボランティアセンターの皆さんとともに、北沢又地域の芋煮会に参加して、地域の方のお手伝いやお話したりすることができました。


Hello everyone! I am an exchange student at Fukushima University for 1 year since October 2018. I experienced a lot in the last 4 months and got various inspiration.

About Fukushima

When I first told my family and acquaintances I got to enter to Fukushima University, there were some people among them, who worried. "Isn't Fukushima dangerous?" "Isn't the "countryside" boring?" ; these were the responses. However, the Fukushima I experienced so far is beautiful, fun, its food is delicious, it is safe and people are kind. In Fukushima city there are still really few foreigners, so if you walk on the streets you would often find people sta ring at you. However, I found that Japan ese are curious about foreigners. There were many times that I was drawn into converstation by a cute elderly as well.

About school activities

Since I arrived in Japan, I noticed that many people do not even know where Hungary is. But I think that this small country and its culture are unique and special. So, I made letting people know about Hungary one of my goals while staying in Japan for one year. Therefore, I gave a presentation about Hungary. After saying the idea to the International Center, they immediately came to my help, so I was able to introduce Hungary to about 30 people in one of the classrooms of Fukushima University. There were 98 circles/clubs in the second semester of 2018. Among them, I have been to calligraphy and ESS activities. I also was able to experienc the cultural festival, bunkasai for the first time. We were selling tea, coffee and cookies with the ESS members. I already practiced calligraphy in Károli University as well, so I have already learned it a bit, but at Fukushima University's activity I could advance my skills. Students work hard at these activities, so I felt that I should work harder as well. If you join a circle, you can not only practice Japanese, but make friends too. I recommend international students to try challenge joining a club!

About classes

What I really liked, is that I could choose any class regardless of faculty. One of my dreams was to take classes with Japanese students in Japan. I am very happy that I could do it at Fukushima University. Certainly it was difficult at first, but as time went by, I could understand the content of the lesson more than the week before. The classes that I took with Japanese students were "Regional Theory I."(地域論I) and "Introduction to Fukushima Future Studies"(福島未来学入門). In the lesson of Regional Theory I., I got a lot of inspiration. We learned about what can one do for the region together with the community. In Introduction to Fukushima Future Studies I learned about Fukushima's past, present and future. The words used in the lesson were too difficult, so after the lesson the teacher explained the contents to the international students in English. I had three Japanese classes. Intermediate Japanese 2 Reading, Conversation and Grammar. Thanks to reading comprehension classes, I came to read more fluently and learned many vocabulary. I had a lot of opportunities to talk in Japanese freely in the conversation class, which was fun. The grammar classes were very useful. Thanks to that class, not only my reports for regular classes came to be more well-written, but this composition as well. There was also a class for international students in Japanese, called Japanese Studies (日本研究). We learned how to write reports and papers. It was really useful. I wish I had similar class in my university as well. Finally, I was able to take lessons in English. It was a good opportunity to talk with international students from different countries and learn about other cultures directly from the people from that country.

About other activities

In the past four months, I had the opportunity to experience "Japan". The cities outside Fukushima that I have traveled to so far were Tokyo and Osaka. In Fukushima, I have been to Aizu, Iizaka, Nihonmatsu, Koriyama, and Minami Soma. I am very happy to have experienced the charm and history of the area mentioned earlier. The reason is not only that it was "fun" but also that it is great help for my graduation thesis. In January, there was an opportunity to go to the evacuation area and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. There, I could learn about the current Fukushima. I had the opportunity to experience traditional Japan as well. I went to various events including participating in a traditional Japanese festival, matsuri. I entered a Japanese hot spring (onsen) for the first time in my life. I also had the chance to volunteer. In November, I participated in Minami Soma's tree planting festival. Also I could help and get to know the people of Fukushima by participating in the Kitasawamata area's Imonikai with the Disaster Volunteer Center. At the Fukushima University International House, we held various events with international students such as Christmas party or Hungarian/Serbian food cooking. If you live in the same dormitory, you will not only be able to understand each other's culture more, but make friends at the same time.