福島大学トップ福島大学の国際交流留学体験記 > 【交換留学生より】福大学祭の楽しさ



【出身国 / 大学】セルビア / ベオグラード大学 【在学期間】2019年10月~2020年9月
人間発達文化学類特別聴講学生 M.Nさん






My experience studying as an exchange student at Fukushima University has been nothing but wonderful so far. My favorite school event has had to be the school festival. Back in Serbia it's not very common to have school festivals, so to me it's something I could have only seen in anime. At first, I thought school festivals were something that happened only up until high school, so when I heard that a school festival would be happening at Fukushima University I was pleasantly surprised.

At the school festival, you could have met the university's official mascot, Mebae-chan, ate food made and sold by the students, played games, and watched student performances. Student circles organized cafes, balloon animal shops, exhibitions and other fun things in classrooms all over the campus as well. The students were all very friendly, so even if you were bad at Japanese they would be really happy just to hear you try to speak to them in their native language.

My favorite happening on the festival was the Pokemon themed stamp relay. You would be given a stamp sheet by one of the volunteers on the festival, looked for game stands, played games, and earned stamps. At the end, once you would collect all the stamps, you'd be entered in a lottery. In the evening, the volunteer students would draw lots on the main stage and decide on the winners. This year the grand prize was a trip to Disneyland. I didn't win of course, but I had a lot of fun collecting stamps!