福島大学トップ福島大学の国際交流留学体験記 > 【交換留学生より】福島での生活



【出身国 / 大学】セルビア / ベオグラード大学 【在学期間】2019年10月~2020年9月
人間発達文化学類特別聴講学生 M.Jさん





Life at Fukushima is very calm and peaceful. Because I come from a bigger city I found this to be very relaxing. To get to University it takes around 40 minutes, but because the walk to the train stop is very relaxing, the scenery you can see from the train and the area around the University are beautiful, I don't mind having to wake up early to go to class. The classes are also not that hard, so going to University is very enjoyable. The International Center sends us a lot of information about events and every month we get to experience a variety of things. In October we went to "Kenka Festival" in Iizaka, in November we went to the school festival and later to the coastal area of Fukushima and on another occasion to an Apple picking and a cultural tour. In December, we went to the nuclear power plant. We really got to experience a lot of things. The train also isn't expensive so I've been to Miyagi prefecture and even saw my favorite singer, Eve, in Sendai last month.

Studying abroad in Japan, and especially studying at Fukushima is a really good experience. I met a lot of other students from many other European countries and a lot of Japanese students too, and they were all very kind. Even the people working in stores and the train station are also kind, so, in all, I am really happy to have come to Fukushima to study.