福島大学トップ福島大学の国際交流留学体験記 > 【交換留学生より】留学レポート



【出身国 / 大学】中国 / 重慶理工大学 【在学期間】2019年10月~2020年9月
共生システム理工学類特別聴講学生  C.Fさん


  Unconsciously, three months have passed since I first came to Fukushima University. In these three months, I have had many first experiences, and at the same time, I also have many people to thank. First of all, I would like to thank the University of Fukushima, Ms. He and other staff members of the International Exchange Center, and thank them for organizing various activities, such as the traditional Japanese festival experience in Iizaka, and the visit was severely affected by the 3/11 disaster Day trip to the coast of Fukushima, "Fukushima City's annual cosplay festival" to experience Japan's unique animation culture, "り ん ご" event to experience Japanese traditional costume culture and tea ceremony culture, and a welcome party for foreign students.

▲Experience traditional festivals in Iizaka

▲Fukushima coast severely affected by 3/11 disaster

▲Events to experience traditional Japanese costume culture and tea ceremony culture

▲"Fukushima City's annual cosplay festival" to experience Japan's unique anime culturexyth

▲Welcome Reception for International Students

  Then, I would like to thank everyone at Takahashi Lab who gave me the greatest help in my study and life during this time, and thank them for their meticulous care and care.

▲Skiing with Takahashi Lab's friends

▲Welcome Reception for Takahashi Lab

  After experiencing so many activities, I have a deeper understanding of the city of Fukushima and the country of Japan. I also hope to continue to learn more about different aspects in the future. At the same time, I also hope to make a small contribution to the friendly exchanges between China and Japan and the elimination of outside stereotypes about Fukushima.


不知不觉,从我第一次来到福岛大学到现在,已经过去了三个月的时间。在这三个月的时间里,我有了很多的第一次的体验,同时,我也有了许多要感谢的人。首先,我要感谢福岛大学,感谢国际交流中心的何老师和其他工作人员,感谢他们组织各种各样的活动,比如在饭坂的日本传统节日体验活动、参观受3/11灾难严重影响的福岛海岸的一日游、体验日本独特的动漫文化的"Fukushima City's annual cosplay festival"、体验日本传统的服饰文化和茶道文化的"りんご狩り"活动以及留学生新生欢迎会等。

