福島大学トップ福島大学の国際交流留学体験記 > 【交換留学生より】福島の人たち



【出身国 / 大学】ドイツ / ルードヴィヒスハーフェン経済大学
【在学期間】2022年10月~在学中 経済経営学類特別聴講学生 W.Lさん






3月末に、ここ日本では桜の季節が始まりました。私はこの季節に東京を訪れていたのですが、桜の美しさとその独特の色彩に魅了されました。誰もが桜の木を写真やビデオに撮っていました。東京の桜の木は美しいと思っていましたが、福島に戻ったとき、自分の目を疑いました。いたるところに桜の木があり、満開で、ピンクや白の葉で覆われた道もありました。まるでディズニー映画から飛び出してきたような福島でした。 しかし、一番のハイライトは、花見山に行ったことです。花見山は、桜の木で覆われた山で、下から上まで、さまざまな色の桜が咲き乱れています。黄色、ピンク、白、赤、紫など、さまざまな色があります。山には登ることもでき、福島市や山がある渓谷の美しい景色を眺めることができます。花見山は一年中、花や木が咲いているそうで、訪れる価値はありますね。福島駅から花見山まで直通のバスが出ています。もし、福島に行くことがあれば、ぜひ行ってみてください。美しい写真が撮れそうです。 人々もいい人ばかりです。花見山には今まで2回行きましたが、2回とも年配の日本人の方が私たちに声をかけてくれて、いろいろな花や木を説明してくれながら案内してくれました。彼らは本当にゆっくりで簡単な日本語を話し、私たちはそれを面白く感じました。福島がどうなのかは分かりませんが、私や私の友人に親切でない人に会ったことはありません。


The People of Fukushima

The Clubs at Fukushima University

The second semester of my stay here in Fukushima has just begone. And unlike my expectations, the second semester has started off even better than the first. Now that I have been here for a little while, it has become much easier to get around, order at restaurants and find friends which makes living in Fukushima even better than it already was before.

In the second week of the semester, we finally got to participate in the Club selection day. Its an enormous event at the University where all clubs and circles try to recruit new members over the course of 2 days. Every Club gets assigned a classroom and decorates it and advertises their club to all students. It was a little overwhelming in the beginning because there was such an enormous number of clubs to choose from and I didn't know where to start. I knew I definitely wanted to join a sport club but even then, there were many different sports to choose from and sometimes even multiple clubs within one sport to choose from. Last semester I joined the Volleyball club, so I decided on trying to join the soccer-club this semester. My friend and I went to the classroom where the soccer-club was set up and tried to find out what was going on. We were greeted right away, and they gave us something to drink and snacks and started talking to us about the club. When they realized our Japanese wasn't as good as theirs, they even tried to speak a little English to us which as really considerate and nice. After talking to them we decided to try going to their club and were really happy. Long story short however, they were way too good. They played like pros and my friend, and I stood no chance. We were a little demoralized because my friend and I really wanted to play soccer this semester. We talked to the captain of the soccer club about it and he was really helpful about it. He told us there was a more casual soccer club and gave us all the information we needed to go there. We haven't had time to go there yet but both me and my friend are looking forward to playing soccer at Fukushima University and its nice students. After that, a lot of the international students invited us to the Volleyball circle where a lot of our Japanese friends were playing so we decided to also join the volleyball club. This has been my best decision at Fukushima University so far because I have met a lot of new friends there and even went out to dinner or drinks after the circle with some of them twice already. Everybody there is really nice, and a lot of the Japanese students try to talk English to us which leads to a lot of funny interactions and conversations. The clubs at Fukushima University are definitely a highlight for me. So, If you are considering coming here, maybe already start thinking about what clubs you would like to join. There's something for everyone here. From sport, to gardening, to English speaking to taking care of the cats. Everybody can find people that share the same interests and friends here.

Sakura Season in Fukushima

At the end of March, the Sakura season started here in Japan. I was visiting Tokyo when it began and was mesmerized by the beauty of the cherry blossoms and their unique colour pallet. Everyone was taking pictures and videos of the Cherry trees. I already thought Tokyos Sakura trees were beautiful but when I returned back to Fukushima, I couldn't believe my eyes. There were Sakura-trees everywhere in full bloom and some streets were covered with pink and white leaves. It looked like Fukushima was cut straight out of a Disney movie.
The Highlight however was our trip to Hanamiyama (花見山). It's a mountain covered in Sakura trees from bottom to top in all different kinds of colours. From yellow to pink and white to red and purple. You can also climb the mountain and get a beautiful view of Fukushima City and the valley in which the mountain is located. I was told Hanamiyama has flowers and trees blooming all over the year so its always worth a visit. There is a bus line straight form Fukushima station to the mountain and back. If you are ever in Fukushima I definitely recommend visiting, there and be sure to bring a camera. There are looks of beautiful pictures to take there.

Even the people are nice there. I have visited Hanamiyama twice now and both times elderly Japanese people approached us and wanted to show us around and explain the different flowers and trees to us. They spoke really slow and simple Japanese to us which we found funny. I don't know what it is about Fukushima, but I have never met a person here that wasn't very nice to me and my friends.