福島大学トップ福島大学の国際交流留学体験記 > 【交換留学生より】福島大学で留学することと福島県についての第一印象



【出身国 / 大学】ルーマニア / ブカレスト大学【在学期間】2018年10月~2019年9月
行政政策学類特別聴講学生 B.Dさん


 留学生の専門に応じて、日本人の学生のための授業も選べました。福島大学で私の専門は行政政策学類なので、「アジア共同体構想と地域協力の展開」と「ふくしま未来学入門」という行政政策学者のための授業を受けます。それだけではなく、日本語能力を問わず、留学生のための英語による授業もあります。その授業の中で私が選んだ授業は「Fukushima in Japan, Japan in the World」、「Japanese Pop Culture」 と「Fukushima Ambassadors Program」です。それに、「ドイツ語中級」と「英語コミュニケション」も受けています。福島大学で留学している間の目的はN2に合格することと、卒業論文のために調べることです。それから、ルーマニアの文化や伝統も宣伝するつもりです。


Since I started studying Fukushima University, my number of friends has increased, and I quickly got used to living in Japan. Many Japanese students from Fukushima University, as well as teachers from Fukushima University and international students, helped us a lot. My first impression of Fukushima Prefecture is that a beautiful place with a lot of nature surrounding it. The Fukushima University Dormitory is located in Fukushima city, so it is convenient because it is close to the station. In Fukushima University this semester I am studying reading comprehension, conversation and grammar lessons for the level of "Japanese intermediate 2". I will prepare for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2 during these lessons. I am planning to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2 next July.

Depending on the specialization of international students, we were also able to choose lessons for Japanese students. My specialty at Fukushima University is Administrative Policy Studies, so I am taking a course for students of this field called "Development of Asian community concept and regional cooperation" and "Fukushima Future Studies." Besides that, there are classes in English for foreign students, regardless of their Japanese language knowledge. The lessons I chose are "Fukushima in Japan, Japan in the World", "Japanese Pop Culture" and "Fukushima Ambassadors Program". I am also studying "German intermediate level" and "English communication."

Among my objectives of studying abroad at Fukushima University I want to pass the JLPT N2 exam and do some research for my graduation thesis. Besides, I intend to advertise Romanian culture and tradition.