福島大学トップ福島大学の国際交流留学体験記 > 【交換留学生より】留学レポート2



【出身国 / 大学】スロベニア / リュブリャナ大学 【在学期間】2018年10月~2019年9月
行政政策学類特別聴講学生 B.Nさん









  This past 3 months I have participated in a lot of events, and have also travelled a lot, around Fukushima Prefecture and also outside the prefecture. On the 1st of February, I went to see the famous snow festival in Hokkaido together with my friends, but sadly, the festival started after we have already returned to Fukushima. I had the chance to try famous Sapporo food, so I was glad we visited Hokkaido, even though we missed the snow festival. In fact, I liked Sapporo so much I am also thinking of going there in the summer. On the 17th of February I participated in the 'World food and culture festa' in Soma city, where I prepared apple dumplings from my own country, and met a lot of amazing people. Because only 4 people bought the dumplings, we ate them together with the other exchange students after we returned from Soma. The next weekend, I went to Soma again, where I participated in a homestay. We gathered in front of Fukushima University on the 22nd of February, and travelled to Iwaki city with the bus to see the Iwaki Aquarium. From there we travelled to Soma, where I met my host family. I was really nervous, because I was meeting new people, but my host family was really kind, so I think we managed to create some amazing memories. Immediately after the homestay, I travelled to Tokyo, where I met my brother. We then travelled around Osaka, Nara and Kyoto, which was quite fun.

  In March I did not have any classes, so I spent time with my friends, and relaxed at home. At the end of March, I went to Tokyo again, to meet my parents, who also brought me birthday presents from my family. I was especially happy, because I was able to eat my grandmother's jam again. I also started preparing myself for the new school year. This semester I wanted to take 2 regular japanese classes, but because the classes are so much fun, I ended up taking 2 regular classes. I am sure I will have problems taking the exam, but I try not to think about things like exams right now. At the end of April, I went to Tokyo again, to meet with some friends, and I visited the Tokyo Metropolitan Building and ate hand-rolled sushi. Sadly, I did not see the festivities when the era changed, as I have already returned to Fukushima before that.

  In May, I wanted to climb Shinobuyama and observe the sunrise from there, so I had to wake up at 2:30 in the morning. But because we got a little bit lost in the dark, we arrived to Shinobuyama observation deck 2, which is facing south, and so we were not able to see the sunrise completely. Despite that, we had fun, as the view at dawn from the mountain is truly beautiful. On the 5th of May I also participated in asparagus harvesting with my friends, where I met some amazing friends.