■ 私は九州出身なので、東北についてはほとんど知識がありません。ですが、今日のイベントで福島の伝統・伝承について学び、福島自体だけでなく、日本各地に残る和太鼓の文化と、文化を土地の再興や継承にどのように効果的に活用できるかという課題にも興味が湧きました。ありがとうございました!
■ I am really thankful for learning something new about the Fukushima culture, since Fukushima is probably the prefecture in Tohoku region that I know least about. This event also helped me discover a new side of Fukushima besides the events happened in 2011 there... I will defenitely try to share what I experienced today with other students/people about Fukushima and hope that in the future more people will start to see Fukushima as something different than the nuclear meltdown in 2011!
■ I think the whole event was a great success, it was interesting, educational and really sparked an interest into the history of Fukushima.
■ 講演会に興味のある人たちが、各地域・各国から集まって話すのはとても面白かったです。私は今イギリスに留学中で英語を勉強しているはずなのですが、鬼や福島などについて英語で意見を言うのが本当に難しく、でも勉強になる貴重な機会でした。
■I enjoyed the performance very much. Everyone put so much energy into it, which was very easy to see! The fact that it was live and not pre-recorded was a very pleasant surprise as well. Wish we could've witnessed it in person, it would've probably been even more captivating.
■ 和太鼓の演奏では、仮面を被って「鬼」になりきった方々から溢れ出る力強さと大きな和太鼓の音が、迫力と臨場感を持って、画面越しにひしひしと感じられました。
■ Thank you so much for providing this opportunity to introduce the Oni culture to us! It was really an eye-opening journey for me. And I'm looking forward to see this history-show be shared with more people around the world and in various forms of performance!